Optical Fibre Composite Overhead Ground Wire (OPGW)
Product Description: OPGW optical cable is the optical fiber placed in the ground wire of overhead high voltage transmission line, used to form the optical fiber communication network on the transmission line, this structure form has the dual functions of ground wire and communication.
Scope of application:
Scope of application: It is mainly used for communication lines of 500kV 、220kV 、110kV and new overhead high-voltage transmission system.
The applicable characteristics of OPGW are:
High voltage over 110kV line, the gear distance is larger (generally more than 250M);
Easy to maintain, easy to solve the problem of line crossing, its mechanical characteristics can meet the large line crossing;
The outer layer of OPGW is metal armored, which has no effect on high voltage corrosion and degradation.
OPGW must be cut off during construction, and the loss of power failure is large. Therefore, OPGW should be used in new high-voltage lines above 110kV.
In the performance index of OPGW, the larger the short-circuit current is, the more good conductor is needed to be armored, and the tensile strength is reduced accordingly. However, in the case of a certain tensile strength, the only way to improve the short-circuit current capacity is to increase the metal cross-sectional area, which leads to the increase of cable diameter and cable weight, thus raising safety problems for the strength of the line tower.
Product features:
• Stable structure and high reliability;
• Can obtain quadratic residual length;
• Strong resistance to distortion and lateral pressure;
•Can withstand high mechanical strength, easy to obtain large short-circuit current capacity.
Application: It is usually used in newly-built overhead power lines, which can meet the requirements of large cores and ultra-high voltage transmission lines, and is used to conduct large fault short-circuit current to provide lightning protection
• Small cable diameter, light weight, small additional load on the tower;
• The steel tube is located in the center of the cable and does not cause secondary mechanical fatigue damage;
• Small resistance to lateral compression, distortion and tension (single layer).
Application: Replace the existing ground wire, used for the transformation of old lines, suitable for low grade lines, supporting GJ-50/70/90 and other lines
Hunan Shentong Optoelectric Science&Technology co., LTD
Address: No. 2999, Donghang Road, Lusong District, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
Office Phone:0731-22588828 0731-22588886

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